Thursday, July 12, 2012


Sekarang tinggal di Kuala Penyu, Tempat yang cantik. Penduduknya tdk ramai, tapi banyak aktiviti boleh dibuat ni sini, kalau mahu. Ini kawasan ramai orang melakukan aktiviti memancing. kebanyaskan orang luar datang ke sini untuk memancing. Pulau yang paling dekat ialah pula tiga. Cuma di sini kedai makan kurang kadang2 tiada pada waktu malam. malam sunyi disini. setiap  hujung minggu balik KK. Isteri bertugas di SMK Pekan Kuala Penyu, anak sekolah di sk pekan K.penyu, saya hari-hari akan memandu ke membakut kerana bertugas SMK Membakut, perjalanan mengambil masa 40 minit dengan berlahan saja.

ASAL USUL KUALA PENYU:Lagenda sebiji batu berbentuk seekor mamalia yang menyerupai penyu kini dipercayai masih wujud terbenam di Kuala Sungai Tasik Sitompok yang membawa nama asal dengan sebutan "Sitompok" telah melahirkan nama sebuah daerah hingga ke hari ini sebagai daerah Kuala Penyu.
Daerah ini dapat dikunjungi melalui jalan raya mahupun menaiki Bot melalui jalan laut. Hanya 145 kilometer daripada Kota kinabalu ke daerah ini perjalanan melalui jalan Beaufort dan jika perjalanan melalui Membakut/Pimping pula jaraknya kini cuma 106 kilometer, disamping menjimatkan masa perjalanan melalui Membakut/Pimping pengunjung juga berpeluang menaiki perkhidmatan Feri untuk menyeberangi Teluk Sitompok.

                                                             Jeti Di pantai Senawang
                                                                    Pekan K. Penyu
                                                                     Dulu Mahu ke Kuala Penyu Naik Feri ni

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Untuk Renungan


Mula Bertugas di SMK Membakut pada 29 Mac 2012. Sebagai PK Hem. Pelajar di sini tidaklah seramai sekolah dahulu yang melebihi 1000 orang. Disini pelajarnya cuma 620 orang sahaja.banyak cabaran yang dilalui tapi biasalah kerana pengalaman sebagai kaunselor yang penting elakkan Stres seboleh-bolehnya. Di sekolah ini ada juga rakan dulu dan beberapa bekas pelajar telah menjadi guru. Memang baunyak perbezaan denga sekoah lama terutamanya dari segi pengurusan, di sini saya terpaksa menyuesuaikan cara pengurusannya dan saya masuk dengan pengurusan sekolah lama. perlahan-lahan bah lama-lama okbah tu.
SELAMAT TINGGAL SMK BAHANG. Selamat tinggal rakan-rakan. sekkarang berpindah ke SMK Membakut. Pada 26 Mac 2012 , setelah bertugas di SMK Bahang selama 13 tahun. Terima kasih pengetua yang banyak membimbing dan menunjk ajar tentang tugas pentadbira. terima kasih guru yang memberi kerjasama selama saya bertugas di SMK Bahang. banyak kenangan manis-manis dan pahit semasa bertugas. terima kasih semuanya.



Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I am Amier   so this is a story about 1.000 years ago so the first day it was called the stone age we used rock for massages we use rock for making a ball we melt ball for fun doe and then 5 more years it was called the ice age  they used everything ice they used snow as ball there were only water but there mad them as ball ok that’s all my old book is my day story…… and my next story is the dead pirate.


The end

This story is about the rude king.
Once upon a time there was a little village called magic village.There was a toy  shop that’s very nice but the kings castle was a mess . So the king face was very angry and his face was very red then he went to the store carrying an axe so he trashed the shop then the owner of the shop cried and the king asked him to leave the village forever. Then he saw a lamp a magic lamp, nobody ever saw it cause people never crossed the village.  So he took it and he said ‘wow what a shiny lamp. Let me clean it by rubbing the lamp.  He rubbed it and a gene came out of the lamp and he had three free rule wishes then he first wished for the kings castle was even nice then the shop then his second wish was to have more three wishes cause its free rule wishes then he wished for a giant snake that only listens too his command then he tried too take revenge on the king the king died so the end

Moral: never think of bad things (never do anything like the king did)

*****This is a story called the living house one day their was a village but there was a tall hill a house was there everybody knows that the house was alive but two boys and one girl was not scared so they went too the house then the carpet was moving then there was a hole one was sucked up  no two was sucked up then one boy was left he said ‘this house is dirty oh that’s why it mad cause it dirty the boy cleaned up the house and the house was still mad then luckily the boy brought some paint he painted the house the it stop moving his friends was out then everybody goad   too the house  


This story is about the dead pirate I saw a pirate in  my house at night when I go to eat he had a red beard and we was only 3 inches small or maybe he was a    lapercon so he killed his friend he called him the old barret. Why was he very bad maybe laercons are bad ya but then a black beard 6 story’s tall is it a giant or a pirate 6 story’s tall well then they left like a witch make them disappear  my next story is called my dad can fly


Hi! You want too know my last story ok this is about me I’l tell you about me ok

School:sk  sri gaya
Favorite computer
Live:kuala putatan 2 no.61
First day I wrote a story:3.1.2009

***Hi I am Amier.  This day I woke up and the clouds were very white, the sea was very blue, we lived near sea so the sea was blue too.  I took a shower and wear my clothes then I go to fetch my sister with my dad then we eat at a restaurant. We go home we give to my mom and then we go home it was by 51 minute or so to get home. I watched TV I eat and I do this typing I put it in one book I Photostat it and   I sell it this is a story about my day story. But now it change it became my day story and my other story the book I read when it was school time so read this. Then I go to sleep “I am so tired”. I go to sleep in only 1 hour then my mom came wake me up she said “Amier Amier wake up” I woke up I go watch TV and I its was 7.00p.m already then I watch more TV it was 9.00p.m then I go to sleep the end.


By wan amier ashraf.

***Who ever have seen his dad fly?  No body. I did. I was asleep but I heard a rocket sound so I see what’s happening I saw my dad flying my mom was outside helping him that’s weird right so people heard it too they said “who’s dad is that is that a ghost or maybe a unknown man” the end do you know hot to fly I give you two tips no.1 take a rocket pretend running out off control crash and you have super powers no.2 take a plane to fly or be a pilot. My next story is about the mad   dead man some people can’t see this is a ghost story 

*Hi im going to show you my favorite game its called my  its fun but its choking hazard only teens can play it but if you lie well I say im  20 but im actually 7 if the owner of habbo ||sees this helo be mad and kik me away from habbo but im not gona tell him my name so hahahahahaha.... actually  my name starts a  and a u with  and my name is tomato, and I create another  too his name is  upchuck and I said the owner of habbo is very dumb hahahahahahahaha..

so for you all try to go to it the end

Tip:hi if your not memorizing your homework try buy some clips and put them on your homework that is all

*Hi im going to show you my favorite game its called my  its fun but its choking hazard only teens can play it but if you lie well I say im  20 but im actually 7 if the owner of habbo ||sees this helo be mad and kik me away from habbo but im not gona tell him my name so hahahahahaha.... actually  my name starts a  and a u with  and my name is tomato, and I create another  too his name is  upchuck and I said the owner of habbo is very dumb hahahahahahahaha..

so for you all try to go to it the end

Tip:hi if your not memorizing your homework try buy some clips and put them on your homework that is all

*Hi thi$  $tory iS about $ame he like money very much he was rich but he ha$ no family or parent$ he wa$ just born like that like poof like that so going on he was a very said person but he is glad he has money but his not rude to others people like him very much. people take care of him but he uses all his money then he was poor  but he was still not miserable cause he knew everything was alright

Moral:  like what you

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